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Saturday, August 13, 2011
Near Sunset at Weld
The boys were not lobster fans, but they both went water skiing and somehow, against my best advice, went tubing behind the big boat with Tyler Kent at the wheel. "Tubing" involved a big rubber inner tube that the boys sit on and are dragged behind the boat on. Naturally, the most fun is the crash into the water. Click on this link to see an example of a crash by Alex Szeps (Sweden).My apologies to the blog readers: I forgot my camera and had to rely on my cell phone's camera and its little camera. Today, Saturday, we head back to the lake for what promises to be a sunny day with lots of water experiments. On Friday morning, our neighbor Gina Sullivan baked the boys fresh muffins and her son Miles delivered. Such kindnesses help the boys feel part of the community. Thanks, Gina!
Also a big thanks from a Danish mom, Gina :-)