A great summer's day in western Maine. We began by traveling up through the mountains to a town called Rangeley with a stop at Coos Canyon, a popular swimming area on the Swift River. After lunch we headed to Weld for Lakeside Whiffle Ball with family (while Rich and Bailey went for a solo run in the mountains beyond the camp). After whiffle ball (like baseball) came the tubing and other water sports. We finished off the evening with appetizers on the beach and a periodic water pistol fight between the "brothers." Dinner of lasagna and steak finished the day. Both boys headed to bed the second we arrived home....
We were quite pleased with this photo of the boys and Bailey on the rock at what we call the Height of Land above the Rangeley Lakes. Nice balance, bailey.
Just a reminder: click on the photos to enlarge... click a second time to get a close-up!